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Providing Technical Guidance

Submitted on: July 30 2024


Clear explanation of what is being reported.


Steps to reproduce:

  • Clear steps on how to reproduce the issue reported



  • Step by step, very clear instructions from start to finish
    • Breakdown into checklist/bullets for easier reading
  • Ideas on possible issues or blockers
  • Should include steps to test
  • Should include any applicable links or docs
  • Should include images/screenshots where needed or where it would be helpful


Template for Creating the Ticket

1. Task Description:

  • Objective: Briefly describe what this task aims to achieve.
  • Problem to Solve: Detail the specific problem that this task addresses.

2. Steps to reproduce:

  • Clear steps on how to reproduce the issue reported.
  • Add screenshots or a video if possible.

3. Technical Planning:

  • List of Errors: If applicable, list known errors that this task intends to correct.
  • Proposed Technical Solution:
    • Answer to Question 1: "Is this plan the correct approach to the problem?" Describe how your plan specifically addresses the mentioned problem. Include any technical, methodological, or strategic considerations that justify why this approach is suitable.

4. Acceptance Criteria:

  • Detail what will be considered a successful outcome of this task. Describe the specific criteria that must be met for the work to be deemed satisfactorily completed.


Template for Completing the Ticket


  • Provide a screenshot, a link to a short video, or both, demonstrating what was accomplished.

Steps to test the solution:

  • Detail the necessary steps to test the implemented solution, including specific commands, necessary database configurations, and any other relevant steps.
  • Answer to Question 2: "Did I execute the technical plan of this task correctly?" Here, describe how the steps taken and the results of the demonstration validate the correct execution of the plan.


  • Include any important points or key considerations of the solution


  • Provide the direct link to the GitLab Pull Request where the code can be reviewed and possibly merged.


Template for Unapproved or Returned Tickets


  • Reason for Return: Brief reason for non-approval or return, e.g., "Solution fails acceptance criteria."


  • Issues Identified: List key issues If possible, provide screenshots and videos.
  • Improvement Suggestions: Brief suggestions for resolution.

Next Steps:

  • Action Plan: Outline required actions and responsible parties.
  • Follow-up: Mention scheduled re-evaluation.